
The Mental and Physical Demands of Riding 100 Miles on a Bicycle

Are you ready for a challenge? Riding 100 miles on a bicycle is no easy feat, but it's definitely possible with the right mindset and preparation. In this blog post, we'll discuss what it takes to conquer a century ride and share some tips to help you reach that finish line. First and foremost, let's be clear: riding 100 miles on a bicycle is not for the faint of heart. It's a true test of endurance and patience, and you'll likely experience a fair amount of discomfort along the way. But don't let that discourage you! With proper training and mental preparation, you can overcome the challenges and emerge victorious. One key aspect of long-distance riding is mental toughness. Yes, physical fitness is important, but it's not everything. When you're in the midst of a grueling ride, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and defeated. But with the right mindset, you can learn to manage your thoughts and emotions and push through the difficult moments. Here are a

Cycling's Socially-Distanced Denizens

  The Lonely Legion of the Lidless Nod: A Field Guide to Cycling's Socially-Distanced Denizens Ah, the elusive "non-waver. " They glide, they conquer hills, they chain lube their way into our hearts... until you try to greet them like a fellow two-wheeled warrior and get about as much recognition as a fly buzzing around Lance Armstrong's ego. These lone wolves of the asphalt come in many flavors, each dripping with their own brand of "don't-talk-to-me" vibes: The Tunnel Visioner: Eyes glazed with Strava glory, these folks are locked in a one-man velodrome against the clock. A friendly "hello" might shatter their fragile aero-bubble, causing them to veer into traffic like a startled hummingbird. The "I'm Too Cool for School" Crew: Rocking vintage hipster frames and ironic handlebar mustaches, these cycling fashionistas wouldn't acknowledge a velodrome unless it served craft beer and artisanal chain grease. Yo
