Is Cycling 10 Miles A Day Enough To Lose Weight?

Is Cycling 10 Miles A Day Enough To Lose Weight? Cycling is a fantastic exercise that has many health benefits, including weight loss. But is cycling 10 miles a day enough to help you reach your goals? The answer is: it depends. Factors that affect weight loss Several factors affect how much weight you lose, including: Your current weight and body composition: People who weigh more tend to lose weight more quickly than those who weigh less. Muscle also burns more calories than fat, so people with more muscle mass may see faster results. Your diet: You can't outrun a bad diet. If you're eating more calories than you're burning, you won't lose weight, regardless of how much you exercise. Your age and metabolism: Younger people typically have faster metabolisms than older people, meaning they burn calories more quickly. The intensity of your cycling: Cycling 10 miles at a leisurely pace will burn fewer calories than cycling 10 miles at a high intensi...