The Reckless Few: How Some Cyclists Give All Cyclists a Bad Name
This post has been on my mind for a long time. I have a hard time with drivers who hate me just because I am a cyclist. They cannot stand that I am out on the roads because somewhere and sometime they had a bad interaction with another cyclist that did something egregiously bad that made that driver think we are all like that. It really gets to me because I try to be both a friendly cyclist and a defensive one. Cycling is a great way to stay active, enjoy the outdoors, and reduce your carbon footprint. However, some cyclists do stupid things that give all cyclists a bad name. From blowing through stop signs to weaving in and out of traffic, these reckless cyclists put themselves and others in danger and create animosity between drivers and cyclists. One of the biggest complaints from drivers about cyclists is that they ignore traffic laws. Running red lights and stop signs is not only illegal, but it's also dangerous. It creates confusion for other drivers and pedestrians and puts ...