Even Cyclists Have Bad Days

Even Cyclists Have Bad Days: Tales from the Two-Wheeled Underworld Ah, cycling. The wind in your hair, the sun on your face, the smug satisfaction of leaving all those car fumes in your dust (okay, maybe not all of them). It's like therapy on two wheels, right? WRONG. Because even us lycra-clad warriors of the road have our off days. Days where the universe seems to be personally conspiring against our spokes, and the only scenery we see is the inside of a ditch. Exhibit A: The Great Chain Debacle You're cruising along, feeling like Lance Armstrong reincarnated. Then, CLANG . Your bike shudders, your pedal goes rogue, and suddenly you're standing there like a confused flamingo, chain wrapped around your ankles like a vengeful serpent. Pro tip: Grease is your friend. And invest in a multi-tool, because let's be honest, you'll need it. Exhibit B: The Weather Warfare You wake up, birds are chirping, sky is blue. Perfect cycling weather, right? Wrong again. By the time...