My Rant About Car Drivers Who are Blind to Cyclists
Up Your Nose With a Rubber Hose: My Rant About Car Drivers Who are Blind to Cyclists
Okay, I'm officially at my wit's end. I've been cycling for years, and I've seen it all. The impatient honking, the near misses, the outright disregard for my very existence on the road. But lately, it feels like things have gotten worse.
It's like some drivers have developed a selective blindness when it comes to cyclists. We're invisible. We're annoyances. We're simply not worth acknowledging.
- Passing too close: I've had countless close calls with cars whizzing past me inches away. It's terrifying and frankly, dangerous. Do these drivers even understand the physics of wind?
- Doorings: The dreaded "dooring." You're happily cruising along, minding your own business, and suddenly a car door swings open right in front of you. It's a miracle I haven't ended up on the hood of a car yet.
- Right Hook Turns: This one takes the cake for sheer audacity. Drivers will sit at an intersection, seemingly oblivious to the cyclists approaching from behind. Then, without warning, they'll make a right turn, cutting us off.
And let's not forget the constant barrage of honks. Honks for existing. Honks for daring to share the road. Honks that are more akin to aggressive threats than polite reminders.
I know, I know. Not all drivers are bad. There are those who patiently wait for a safe passing opportunity, who acknowledge our presence with a nod or a wave. But they are becoming increasingly outnumbered.
This isn't just about my safety. It's about a fundamental lack of respect for other road users. It's about a society that seems to value speed and convenience above all else.
So, to those drivers who seem to think the road is their personal playground:
- Share the road!
- Be aware of your surroundings!
- And for goodness sake, stop treating cyclists like second-class citizens!
I'm tired of feeling like a target. I'm tired of having to constantly be on high alert. I just want to enjoy a peaceful ride without the constant fear of being hit.
Rant over.
Disclaimer: This blog post expresses the personal opinions of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of all cyclists.
I hope this rant resonates with you and other cyclists. Let's continue to advocate for safer cycling conditions and demand respect on the road.