When a Cyclist Gets Hit by a Car: The Uphill Battle for Justice

When a Cyclist Gets Hit by a Car: The Uphill Battle for Justice

Cycling is a beloved sport for many, but unfortunately, it can also be a dangerous one. Cyclists face a range of risks on the road, including collisions with cars, which can result in serious injury or even death. When a cyclist gets hit by a car, seeking justice can be a difficult and frustrating process.

Recently, a cyclist in a major city was struck by a car while riding in a designated bike lane. The driver, who was distracted by their phone, veered into the bike lane and hit the cyclist from behind. The cyclist was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries, including a broken collarbone and a concussion.

Despite the clear fault of the driver, the cyclist faced an uphill battle in seeking justice for the incident. The driver's insurance company initially denied the claim, arguing that the cyclist was partially at fault for the accident. They claimed that the cyclist was not wearing a helmet and was riding too close to the side of the road, making it difficult for the driver to see them.

The cyclist and their lawyer fought back, pointing to the city's bike lane laws and the driver's clear violation of them. They also argued that the cyclist had taken all necessary safety precautions, including wearing bright clothing and using proper lighting on their bike. After months of legal battles, the insurance company finally agreed to settle the claim, but only after significant pressure from the media and local cycling advocacy groups.

This situation is unfortunately all too common for cyclists who have been hit by cars. Insurance companies often try to shift the blame onto the cyclist, even when the driver is clearly at fault. The legal process can be long and expensive, and even when justice is served, it can feel like a hollow victory.

As cycling continues to grow in popularity, it's important for lawmakers and law enforcement to take the safety of cyclists seriously. This means enforcing bike lane laws, cracking down on distracted driving, and holding drivers accountable for their actions on the road.

Cyclists who have been hit by cars should not have to fight an uphill battle for justice. By raising awareness of these issues and advocating for change, we can make the roads safer for everyone.


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