Exploring the Many Benefits of Cycling as a Lifetime Sport

I love cycling and have been involved in it since my teens. It became my lifetime sport of choice but it was not always the one I thought I would end up doing into my 60's. As a child and into my high school years, I was a basketball player. I enjoyed playing it into my 30's with some of my co-workers but it really became too difficult for me. Before I became a cyclist I was an avid runner and ran many marathons but the wear and tear on my knee joints pretty much ended that for me. In fact, I have a rebuilt knee now because of my running. I was both a cyclist and a runner before I tore up my knee but turned specifically to cycling once my joints let me down. Cycling can be done way into your senior years. I once came across an 83 year old man on one of my training rides and he was still enjoying cycling about 3 days each week. In this blog post, I want to explore the many benefits of cycling as a lifetime sport. Cycling is a popular sport and leisure activity that has been enjo...