Fix a Flat on Bicycle Tires: Learn How to Easily Maintain Your Bike's Tires and Save Money
Bicycling is a wonderful way to get outside, enjoy some fresh air, and get some exercise. However, one of the most common issues that cyclists face is how to fix a flat on their bicycle tires or other problems with their bike's tires and tubes. It may seem like a daunting task to fix a flat bicycle tire or deal with other tire issues. Actually, it is an easy fix that you can learn to take care of yourself. It will save you money and it will save you time. You won't have to leave your bike or tire at the shop. When you leave it at a bike shop it will be a few days before they can get to it. Learning to fix it yourself means you can get back to riding immediately. Step One - Maintenance The first step in taking care of your bike's tires is to regularly check the tire pressure. Tires that are underinflated can lead to pinch flats. These kinds of flats occur when the tire gets pinched between the rim and the ground, causing a hole in the tube. Overinflated tires can lead to ...