
Why Cycling Can Make You Feel Like You Have Wings

As a cyclist, I have experienced moments where the sensation of flying overtakes me. The wind in my hair, the rhythm of my legs, and the sound of my wheels on the road all come together to create a feeling of soaring through the air. Even though I am physically grounded, cycling can make me feel like I have wings. So what is it about riding that gives us this feeling? One reason cycling can make you feel like you're flying is the joy of movement. Cycling is a form of self-powered transportation that allows you to move through the world at your own pace. The simple act of propelling yourself forward can create a sense of lightness and freedom that feels like flight. Another reason is the connection to nature. When you're cycling, you're exposed to the elements with nothing between you and the world around you. This connection to nature can make you feel more alive and like you're a part of something bigger than yourself. The sound of the wind and the scent of the air can

The Reckless Few: How Some Cyclists Give All Cyclists a Bad Name

This post has been on my mind for a long time. I have a hard time with drivers who hate me just because I am a cyclist. They cannot stand that I am out on the roads because somewhere and sometime they had a bad interaction with another cyclist that did something egregiously bad that made that driver think we are all like that. It really gets to me because I try to be both a friendly cyclist and a defensive one. Cycling is a great way to stay active, enjoy the outdoors, and reduce your carbon footprint. However, some cyclists do stupid things that give all cyclists a bad name. From blowing through stop signs to weaving in and out of traffic, these reckless cyclists put themselves and others in danger and create animosity between drivers and cyclists. One of the biggest complaints from drivers about cyclists is that they ignore traffic laws. Running red lights and stop signs is not only illegal, but it's also dangerous. It creates confusion for other drivers and pedestrians and puts

Conquering Fear: Tips for Handling Fast Downhills on a Bicycle

As an experienced cyclist, I love the challenge of conquering steep hills. But when it comes to riding back down, I can't help but cringe at the thought. The speed and fear of losing control can be overwhelming, and I find myself riding my brakes most of the way once I hit around 40 mph. I know some people are great at riding downhills, and I have a lot of respect for them, but it's just not something I'm comfortable with. However, I know that handling fast downhills is important for any cyclist, so I've learned some techniques to help me get through it. Firstly, I always make sure my bike is in good condition. I check my brakes, wheels, and tires before I start my descent to ensure that my bike can handle the speed and stress of the descent. If I'm unsure, I take my bike to a professional for a tune-up. Secondly, I always wear a helmet. It may seem obvious, but it's worth repeating. A good quality helmet can save your life if you lose control on the descent. I

Battling the Bicycling Blues: Finding Joy in Every Pedal

Bicycling is a fantastic way to stay fit, explore the outdoors, and enjoy the freedom of the open road. However, like any activity, it's not uncommon to experience occasional bouts of the "bicycling blues." These moments can make you feel uninspired, unmotivated, or even question your love for cycling. But fear not, because in this blog, we'll delve into the world of bicycling blues and discover ways to reignite your passion for pedaling. Acknowledge the Blues: It's essential to recognize that everyone, at some point, goes through phases where cycling loses its luster. Acknowledging the bicycling blues is the first step towards addressing and overcoming them. Embrace the fact that it's natural and remember that this, too, shall pass. Mix Up Your Routes: Riding the same routes repeatedly can become monotonous, leading to boredom and the bicycling blues. Inject new life into your rides by exploring different routes and trails. Seek out unfamiliar territories, ch

Cycling: More Than Just Exercise, It's a Way of Life

I love cycling. It's hard to put into words how much joy it brings me. I started out as a runner in college, but I also rode a bicycle a few miles to and from my apartment to classes. Little did I know that I was slowly becoming a cyclist. I went to New Mexico State University, and about 5 miles from my apartment was a pretty lonely highway that rambled through some really cool small villages. The thing I loved about riding on that road was that I got to ride for miles under a canopy of pecan trees. It was beautiful and peaceful, and I found myself looking forward to those rides more than my runs. At the time, I didn't really think of it as training. It was just something to do other than running, and it was too far away to run to. But looking back, I realize that those rides were the foundation of my love for cycling. They were my first taste of the freedom and joy that comes with cycling. Fast forward to today, and I'm still cycling. I've participated in many events o
